Saturday, December 18, 2010

Graffiti and its Origin and Development

Graffiti (also spelled graffity or graffiti) is a graffiti-graffiti on the wall using the color composition, line, shape, and volume to write the word, symbol, or a particular sentence. The tools used in the present usually spray paint cans. Prior to spray paint available, graffiti is generally made with paint strokes using a brush or chalk.
The simplest graffiti on the walls of the train

Habit of painting on the wall stems from primitive man as a way of communicating the hunt. At this time, grafitty used as a means of mysticism and spirituality to evoke the spirit of hunting.

The development of ancient Egyptian art at the time also showed activity of paint on the walls of the pyramid. This painting is another natural communicate encountered a pharaoh (Pharaoh) after mummified.

Activities graffiti as a means of showing discontent started in Roman times with evidence of satire against the government of paintings on the walls of the building. This painting was found in the ruins of Pompeii. While in Rome itself used as a propaganda tool to discredit the followers of Christianity which at that time prohibited the emperor.
Graffiti in Pompeii. Graffiti contains writings of the people who use the Latin people and not the Classical Latin language.

Graffiti in modern times

The existence of social classes are separated too far caused difficulties for certain groups of society to express his artistic activities. As a result some individuals using the facilities available in almost all cities, namely the wall.

Arts education are less frequent causes objects to appear in graffiti in the form of writings or password that only understood a particular class. Usually this work showed dissatisfaction toward the social circumstances they find themselves.

Although graffiti is generally destructive and cause high maintenance costs cleanliness of the city, but the graffiti remains the artistic expression that should be respected. There are so many famous artists who began his career of graffiti activity.

Function graffiti

     * Language secret groups.
     * Means expression of social discontent against the state.
     * Facility rebellion.
     * Means expression of fear of political and social conditions.


Mural is how to draw or paint on the media wall, the wall or surface area of the other permanent.

In contrast to the graffiti that more emphasis only on the content of the writing and most are made with spray paint, the mural is not the case, the mural is more free and able to use the media paint the walls or paint wood paint or dye even anything like chalk or other device that can produce images.
Mural Graffiti


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