Monday, April 26, 2010

DarkOrkut is Back

After a long break of about one year (8 months exactly), DarkOrkut is back. Several assignments, busy schedules and engagements with SolidBlogger, a tech blog, did not allow me to dedicate time to DarkOrkut. The most pathetic part (for me) is that I could not even hit it to the admin panel of DarkOrkut and check the statistics during this period.

I logged in to the admin panel today to find hundreds of pending comments awaiting approval, several plugins are out-dated (new updates were available) and an irritating theme (I used to find it attractive sometime back :P ). So, now what I am going to do is approve those 500+ pending comments and reply to them, if necessary, and post replies to all Dark Orkut Help Center questions. It will take some time to respond to such a large number of comments, but I need to get them approved ASAP. I have switched back the theme to an earlier one for the time being.

We are Back

Even I am not so active on Orkut these days, so it will take a while to get my hands on various things and write posts on them. Although I can’t promise frequent posts, DarkOrkut is going to be updated in regular intervals from now on.

And yes, even after lying dead for several months, it managed to get more than 14K RSS readers. Thanks to all readers for continuous love and support.


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