Friday, January 8, 2010

Friendship Poems

Friendship Poems

Friendship Poems Identify Two Of The Best Qualities In The Other

Robert Ogden

There are two main qualities needed in another. The first shows the following friendship poems:

How flowers grow

How flowers grow

Their calming beauty

Eyes within their reach.

For friendship to grow

Our hearts shall

Errors that are in each.

Friendship PoemsI remember wondering why one of the smartest guys in my high school class was such a close friend. I did not feel worthy of his communication, mainly because it is straight "A" student. Nevertheless, we visited each other's homes for the summer and spent a lot of time together at school.

Looking back on this unique relationship, and analyzing it, I finally concluded that our friendship was based on one main ingredient: acceptance. We agreed with each other who we are, faults included.

This was an important lesson for me and helped me later in life, including in my marriage. Differences between men and women requires the recognition of each other's shortcomings, if they want to get together in wedlock.

"How to grow flowers" is an expression of this truth. Just as the flowers have no other choice but to be beautiful is their job, they should be or they cease to be flowers ... So that friendship has no choice but to accept the shortcomings of others, or they must cease to be friends.

This next poem showcases the quality of the second true friend:


Lonely problem

Was a long and difficult;

My joy was in the end.


I almost won.

While he sent a friend.

Another important ingredient in the perfect "recipe for a friend" of your presence. Friends spend time with each other, helping and encouraging. It is hard to be a friend from afar, if you were friends, until one of you left.

Friendship PoemsLong Distance Love relationships are tough, and therefore long distance friendship. For another, to help keep you exit while discouraging moments, he should be there with you.

Christians have found depression to be one of the main tools of Satan to interfere with their service. I have a hard time thinking of a more powerful weapon. I am glad that Corinthians 10:13 more in the Bible. In a nutshell, the verse says there is nothing that Satan can tempt us so that we can not cope with God's help.

When everything seems to be against you, even though you know you're right, when loneliness threatens to unnecessarily decide to continue, when the circumstances cry: "Where is God when you need it?", I know that God has not abandoned you. It allows you to get tested, that you can grow in Him.

It may simply be seen if you have the courage to keep believing it to your needs. In the end, Dis-couragement is nothing more than lack of courage to continue to rely on Him. Opposition is not a symptom, but the problem itself.

It is true that we are blessed to communicate and care about others. Their company dispels the loneliness and frustration temporarily drive away. And as we grow and learn to work with disappointment the best from our experience, we are better to take the offensive and learn, to inspire others as the acceptance and the presence of our friends encouraged us.

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